Slight Relief In August

While August was still slightly warmer than normal there was a little relief from the intense heat and dry weather of July. Our average high in August was 26.5C just slightly above normal (25.1C). Rains in late July and early August helped bring back lawns and sustained the gardens. We averaged 77.8mm of rain in… Read more »

How To Grow Longer Beans

It has been a tough year for us green beans wise. We had a very cold and wet spring and our new second garden was not quite ready, delaying our first planting. And, since our new garden was not fenced in like our first garden, the rabbits and deer decided to eat our young sprouts… Read more »

A Hot Dry July

It was certainly a great summer to enjoy a backyard pool – hot, dry and sunny. July started out warm and just kept getting warmer. Temperatures were mostly above normal the entire month with little reprieve in the evenings. We experienced an unbelievable 13 days with temperatures over 30C, and that was before factoring in… Read more »

Harvesting, Drying and Storing Garlic

Look out all you vampires it’s garlic season! I harvested our garlic crop on July 27 this year. When to harvest garlic is a judgment call. Pick your garlic too early and the the bulbs will be too small and the cloves will be unformed. Too late and there will not be enough protective layers… Read more »

Best June Blooms

I think June has to be my favourite month in the garden for blooms. While the early spring bloomers are a sight for sore eyes, June blooms just pop with amazing size and colour. The dramatic effect of Beauty Bush, the deep colours of peonies and weigela and of course the scent of lilacs and… Read more »

Accidental Colour Combination

I’m not very good at planning plant colour combinations. I’m more of a shape and structure person. I can visualize the beds shapes, pathways and plant shapes that I want but often have more difficulty when it comes to combining colours. Maybe that is why I do not have a lot of perennials in my… Read more »

Make Room For This Beauty Bush – Kolkwitzia That Is

Kolkwitzia amabilis is commonly called Beauty Bush, and you can sure see why. This is probably my favourite flowering shrub in the garden right now. With arching branches amassed with pink flowers in June (about the same time as the peonies start to bloom), Kolkwitzia needs a lot of room to show off. I have… Read more »

Best May Blooms

May in the garden seemed to be a month lacking this year — lacking in sunshine, intensity of blooms and warmth — everything except rain. Despite that I managed to get out and take a few pictures of blooms in and around the garden. While not as plentiful as last year, here are a few… Read more »

Shade For Tender Seedlings

After a week of not too bad weather, the prediction called for another 5 to 7 days of rain again in our area. Between the cold temperatures and rain, we are, unfortunately, very behind this year in planting out the vegetable garden. Given the prediction for more wet weather I decided I needed to get… Read more »

Spring Blooms Finally Arriving

It’s been a cold and raining spring and everything in the garden is almost a full month behind last year. This past week however we finally started to see some blooms on the early spring blooming garden shrubs including my Magnolia, Chanticleer Pear and several Serviceberries.