My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Make Room For This Beauty Bush – Kolkwitzia That Is

Kolkwitzia amabilis 'Beauty Bush' in bloom

Kolkwitzia amabilis ‘Beauty Bush’

Kolkwitzia amabilis is commonly called Beauty Bush, and you can sure see why. This is probably my favourite flowering shrub in the garden right now. With arching branches amassed with pink flowers in June (about the same time as the peonies start to bloom), Kolkwitzia needs a lot of room to show off. I have two growing in my back garden, planted 4 and 5 years ago. They are now both well over 7 feet tall and wide. Other than pruning out a few suckers I have never touched either plant. Unfortunately one is now growing into a nearby evergreen. I think it is the evergreen however that is going to be pruned as I just can’t bring myself to ruin these beautiful shrubs. The rest of the year Beauty Bush is a arching mound of foliage, great as a backdrop in the garden. I’ve read that they can get leggy but so far neither of mine have done so. Older stems thicker than an inch or so should be removed at the base when the shrub is dormant, to encourage young, flowering growth.

Kolkwitzia branch in bloom

Kolkwitzia branch in bloom


  1. Jenny MacDonld on

    Thanks for the great photo and info ! I think this is just want ! My neighbor pointed hers out to me today, when I was considering various things (lilac, weeping crabapple….) and I decided to Google!

  2. Jenny MacDonld on

    Thanks for the great photo and info ! I think this is just want ! My neighbor pointed hers out to me today, when I was considering various things (lilac, weeping crabapple….) and so here I am Googling.


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