How The Garden Fares And What I Have Learned This Year

I can’t believe it’s mid-July already. Yet here we are, already beginning the height of the season. Like most gardeners, I’ve been busy with spring planting, pruning, weeding and watering. It seems like there is something to do every day — but that is the joy of it. While gardening on a two acre property… Read more »

Maple Trees Will Grow Almost Anywhere

I love my maple trees — whether the majestic red and sugar maples in our back woodland, our small hedge maple which provides shade near our patio garden or the even daintier red japanese maples that can survive the winds in our country property. But what I don’t like are the multitude of maple keys… Read more »

Kale Chips

It’s early July and the kale in our garden is growing like gangbusters.  After reading several recipes on the internet, I decided to try and make my own kale chips.  While they won’t replace potato chips (especially for my kids) I really liked the slightly nutty flavour and the crunch followed by chewy texture.  The… Read more »

Kale Pancetta Frittata

I purchased a deep 1- inch non-stick skillet on a whim one day as it was on sale and it turned out to be a good thing when I needed an small oven proof skillet to make my first frittata.  This Kale & Pancetta Fritatta is a fantastic way to use kale during the height… Read more »

Maple Dijon Chicken Tenderloin

I am always looking for new marinades for chicken.  This one is quick and easy and very tasty.  The first time I made it I marinated some chicken tenderloins then skewered them on BBQ skewers like a satay.  Grill for 10 minutes and enjoy. INGREDIENTS 3 tablespoons maple syrup 3 tablespoons dijon or, our favourite,… Read more »

The Peas Are Here — So Are The Deer

We enjoyed our first snow peas today fresh from the garden but it was a close call. Two nights ago some deer climbed over our 3 foot fence and decided to have dinner. Their tasty meal consisted of just perfect, ready to pick romaine and boston lettuce after which they enjoyed the tops of our… Read more »

Carol Mackie Daphne Sudden Death

I am sad to say my 6 year old Carol Mackie Daphne, planted in 2005, succumbed to what I believe was root rot this past spring. Despite not disturbing the roots and only pruning out damaged wood, my once thriving Carol Mackie started showing signs of branch wilt in 2010. By 2011 the damage was… Read more »

San Marzano Plum Tomatoes Under Cloches

We are trying to get a head start on the garden this year since planting everything in a two week time frame can be a bit overwhelming. I purchased 8 small San Marzano Plum tomatoes Monday from a local garden center and rather than nurse them along in the tiny pots for a couple of… Read more »

Window Well Coldframe

Unfortunately my coldframe was full of planted lettuce this spring so that meant no room to put my starter plants out to harden them off. Looking around I decided to use my window wells as cold frames and they worked beautifully.

Worth The Wait – Flowering Dogwood

I planted my Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’, flowering pink dogwood, in 2009 and have been waiting, not always patiently, ever since for it to bloom. With all the cold weather this year many of our spring blooming trees and shrubs have been a disappointment. The magnolia blooms have been hit by freezing temperatures more than once… Read more »