The Promise Of Summer

Red Charm Peony

I know it’s still officially spring and that peonies, irises & weigela are technically spring blooming plants, but I always think of June as the promise of summer to come. The blooms are bigger, brighter and more intense than the early spring blossoms.  I’m enjoying finishing up my summer planters, adding even more colour to… Read more »

Why Can’t I Grow Cauliflower?

I’ve got a pretty good green thumb when it comes to outdoor plants and the vegetable garden. On top of that I love to experiment. We’ve grown our own sweet potatoes, celery, kidney beans, black beans and even pak choi one year. But for the life of me I can’t grow cauliflower. OK, I’ve only… Read more »

Late But Perfect

Doublefile viburnum

Spring may have arrived late this year but it has been almost picture perfect. For the past several years, unseasonably warm weather in April and early May meant that most plants began to leaf out and put on blooms early, only to be damaged by late spring frost. Almost every year I lose something, either… Read more »

Frost Ready – Again

Frost covers tomatoes & peppers

I don’t care what the calendar says or what the weather was like yesterday, you can always count on a good chance of frost in southern Ontario even into the end of May. Having said that, I always jump the gun and put my tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and basil in during an early hot spell,… Read more »

Back With A Fresh Start, And A New Fence

I’ve been away from garden blogging for a while. Having returned to work this past winter my energies were focused elsewhere and that meant taking a break from gardening and garden blogging. Perhaps that’s healthy. I’m now ready to start a new spring with a different viewpoint. My goals are different — it’s more about… Read more »

Back To School Breakfast Banana Muffins

Breakfast Banana Muffins with seeds and coconut

With back to school time approaching, I was looking for ways to create new, fast, but healthy on the go breakfasts and snacks that my boys could eat on the drive to and from school. Their new school is a nut free school, so I needed to come up with a way to make a… Read more »

Rosemary Mint Wine Jelly

Wine jelly with goats cheese on crackers

“A sweet wine jelly infused with mint and rosemary”. For our first try at mint flavoured wine jelly, we used a Voignier wine that was a bit passed it’s prime — and it worked wonderfully. I’ve made wine based jelly before having made our own Garlic Jelly so the process was not new. A note… Read more »

Slow Roasted Cherry Tomatoes

If you are wondering what to do with all those extra cherry tomatoes from the garden, one option is to slow roast them in the oven with a little garlic. The extra sweet nature of cherry tomatoes make these a terrific addition to sauces and soups during those long winter months. They also taste great… Read more »

Knowing When To Cut Back

Annual Planters

It has been a terrific summer to enjoy the outdoors this year and at the same time it has been a busy summer for most gardeners. Flower pots had to be watered constantly, often twice daily, to keep up with this year’s heat and sun. The vegetable garden exploded with tomatoes (I’m already at twice… Read more »

Million Dollar Tomato Jam

“If I Had $1000000 We wouldn’t have to eat Kraft Dinner. (But we would eat Kraft Dinner. Of course we would, we’d just eat more. And buy really expensive ketchup with it. That’s right, all the fanciest Dijon Ketchup. Mmmmmm.)” Barenaked Ladies Well, I don’t know whether I’d like Dijon Ketchup but this recipe for… Read more »