My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Worth The Wait – Flowering Dogwood

Cornus florida rubra in bloom

Cornus florida 'rubra', flowering dogwood finally blooms

I planted my Cornus Florida ‘Rubra’, flowering pink dogwood, in 2009 and have been waiting, not always patiently, ever since for it to bloom. With all the cold weather this year many of our spring blooming trees and shrubs have been a disappointment. The magnolia blooms have been hit by freezing temperatures more than once and the crab apple blooms are a bit sparse. The new foliage on my Golden Mock Orange is completely brown now and I doubt I will smell any fragrant blooms from that source this year. Given all that, I was quite surprised this past week to see my flowering dogwood put on such a nice display. This tree is situated right outside my office window, so I can enjoy the show while it lasts. Any I must say, it was worth the wait.

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