We came home today after three days away to the first snowstorm of the season. After a mostly grey and rainy December followed by a green Christmas, it was strange to leave our house is what seemed like spring and return to see everything covered in white. While not a lot of snow, only about… Read more »
Twas The Night Before Christmas
Tis the Night Before Christmas, when all through the house, something was stirring, oh shoot, it’s a mouse! The mouse traps were place on the cold floor with care, in hopes that the mouse head soon would be there. The parents were nestled all snug in their beds, while the youngest saw visions of mice… Read more »
Last Winter Lettuce
I went outside today and picked what will likely be the last of the mesclun mix lettuce still growing under cover in our mini greenhouse or cold frame. While the lettuce has survived several nights of below zero temperatures (including one -5C night) it is not growing. I was expecting to harvest lettuce further into… Read more »
Weed Identification Guide
Weeds are public enemy number one to most gardeners. Fighting persistent weeds without the use of chemical pesticides can be quite a challenge. One of the first steps is to know your weed. A great resource guide is produced by the Iowa State University Extension and Outreach. The Weed Identification Field Guide (listed about half… Read more »
Too Late For This One
Well it’s that time of year again — the deer are roaming and that means many of my trees are susceptible to damage from bucks rubbing their antlers along the bark. Every year I debate — to cover or not to cover. Bucks rub their antlers on young, flexible trees to remove the velvet that… Read more »
Cold And Blustery Day
The day is proving to be cold and blustery, with the potential for freezing rain in the forecast. It’s that in between time of year — not anything; neither fall nor winter, just a waiting game. So I’m spending the day in my warm, dry and quiet office organizing myself for a winter of garden… Read more »
Tomato Cage Christmas Tree Topiary
I was looking for a different outdoor decoration for our front entrance this year and stumbled upon the idea to build my own Christmas tree topiary. I usually use greenery from the garden center and around the yard to decorate the two urns on either side of our doorway. While this looks nice I was… Read more »
Winter Protection Shrub Covers
Winter protection is not something I typically need in our garden. I focus largely on planting cold hardy trees and shrubs and anything that is pushing the limit I place in a protected spot. However this year we had to cut the foundation yews along our house completely down to the ground due to the… Read more »
Best Red Fall Colour
If you are looking for some brilliant red fall colour to add to your landscape nothing beats the Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ or ‘Compacta’ otherwise known as Dwarf Burning Bush. Bright green leaves in summer turn to a brilliant red in fall lasting several weeks. After the leaves have finally fallen you are rewarded with red-orange… Read more »
Mulch Gardens With Fallen Leaves
Garden soil needs to be replenished with organic matter each year in order to maintain its fertility. In spring, we add compost made from the prior years garden and kitchen waste as well as composted horse manure from a friend. In fall we add leaves. Unfortunately for us most of our trees are not yet… Read more »