Happy First Day Of Spring

Happy first day of spring everyone. It’s finally arrived, that favourite day for gardeners although this year it seems a bit moot as the temperatures are more summer like. Buds are swelling early, the grass is turning green. For once I don’t have to listen to the media cheering the arrival of spring in envy.… Read more »

More Than Snow White

In honour of the snow storm that didn’t happen this week, today we celebrate the colour white in the garden. Did you know that in general white and pale flowers are more strongly scented than their darker counterparts?  I guess that is why I so enjoy the white apple blossoms, white lilacs and most especially the… Read more »

Countdown To Spring

I just found this widget and absolutely love it! I’m going to sticky this post until it says zero days left. Enjoy. Spring Countdown Anyone else interested in this cute countdown widget you can find it here.

Winter Came But Will It Stay?

We finally had some winter weather on the weekend dropping about 4 inches of lovely, fluffy snow. Everything looks lovely today, all white and pristine. Unfortunately it does not look like it is going to last as they are predicting a return to unusually warm temperatures again this week. So far this winter we’ve had… Read more »

10 Garden Resolutions for 2012

Every year I seem to have one major project or another on the go. While these projects have been crucial to our landscape, managing these projects along with trying to keep up with the necessary garden chores often meant that small jobs kept getting pushed off to another year or that some areas of the… Read more »

The Best of 2011

2011 was like an extreme sandwich for the garden. The summer was hot and dry, nestled in between a spring and fall that were both cold and wet. Top that off with an addition to our home and we definitely found this year to be quite a proposition. Yet as I sit, listening to the… Read more »

Has Winter Finally Arrived?

We came home today after three days away to the first snowstorm of the season. After a mostly grey and rainy December followed by a green Christmas, it was strange to leave our house is what seemed like spring and return to see everything covered in white. While not a lot of snow, only about… Read more »

Twas The Night Before Christmas

Tis the Night Before Christmas, when all through the house, something was stirring, oh shoot, it’s a mouse! The mouse traps were place on the cold floor with care, in hopes that the mouse head soon would be there. The parents were nestled all snug in their beds, while the youngest saw visions of mice… Read more »

Cold And Blustery Day

The day is proving to be cold and blustery, with the potential for freezing rain in the forecast. It’s that in between time of year — not anything; neither fall nor winter, just a waiting game. So I’m spending the day in my warm, dry and quiet office organizing myself for a winter of garden… Read more »

Best Red Fall Colour

If you are looking for some brilliant red fall colour to add to your landscape nothing beats the Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ or ‘Compacta’ otherwise known as Dwarf Burning Bush. Bright green leaves in summer turn to a brilliant red in fall lasting several weeks. After the leaves have finally fallen you are rewarded with red-orange… Read more »