This is my first year starting perennials from seed. I’m curating seed starting times and germination information as best I can from the different seed suppliers. All perennial seedlings do not need a lot of fertilizer, wait until 3 to 4 weeks old to fertilize and then only half strength. Transplant into 3 or 4-inch… Read more »
Growing Angelonia – Give Them Room
I did not have good success growing Angelonia from seed my first year, but I will try again because, once established, Angelonia is an excellent annual for containers. I struggled with germination, although the seedlings that did germinate grew well. In the pots, Angelonia did not bloom or bulk up, but I suspect I overcrowded… Read more »
Growing Salvia From Seed

There are over 1,000 species of salvia – some annual and some perennial. I started my salvia journey with Salvia Caradonna – an herbaceous perennial with strong vertical purple stems that carry deep violet-blue flowers in early summer and again in late summer if you deadhead. Eventually, I branched out into other perennial varieties, all… Read more »
Growing Gomphrena For Borders and Containers
I grew Gomphrena (globe amaranth) for the first time in 2023 and tested them out both in the landscape (Circle Garden) and in containers. They performed very well, with little pest damage and required little care, although Gomphrena is slow to get going and doesn’t really fill out until mid-summer. The plants in the Circle… Read more »
Growing Dusty Miller – 3 Varieties For Containers
Like almost everyone else on the planet, Dusty Miller, or Senecio cineraria, is my favourite annual silver foliage for containers and garden edges. While buying a small flat is relatively cost-effective, they are easy to grow from seed or cuttings. I grow three varieties now from seed or cuttings.
Growing Cosmos – Still Finding My Favourite
I love the delicate blooms of cosmos, but honestly, there are too many to choose from! I grow cosmos mostly in the Circle Garden, with a few more near the vegetable gardens for the pollinators. This is my personal garden growing guide. I use it to track seed sources, when to start seeds and if… Read more »
Alternanthera Purple Prince For Container Pots

I’m always looking for new annuals to use in pots and containers that are deer-tolerant. I decided to try Alternanthera and what a beautiful foliage plant. Alternanthera grows quite large although you could clip it as it branches easily. The foliage of Purple Prince is brown-red and best of all showed no signs of pest… Read more »
Growing Zinnia – I Need to Edit Myself!
They say zinnias don’t transplant well, but I still prefer to start mine indoors to control placement and colour in the garden. Having said that, I’m still playing with how many weeks before frost so the new starts are not too leggy and stressed when planted out after risk of frost has passed. My other… Read more »
Growing Alyssum – Some Varieties Need Less Shearing

My first try with Alyssum was a McKenzie Seeds package picked up on a whim at a big box store – Carpet of Snow. I quickly fell in love, except Carpet of Snow is leggy, so needs frequent shearing if grown in a container. I’ve since switched to shorter varieties which will bloom longer without shearing or cutting back.
Growing Ornamental Oregano Kirigami for Containers
Kirigami is an ornamental oregano that is borderline hardy in my zone 5 garden. I planted some in my garden in 2023, we shall see if it overwinters. Having said that, Kirigami makes a great, drought-tolerant annual in containers. Plants have light green foliage with purple bracts and pink flowers that droop over the edges… Read more »