My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Malus sutyzam Malus ‘Indian Magic’

Malus Indian Magin bloomsHeight: 6 m (18 – 20 feet)
Spread: 5 m (12 – 15 feet)
Bloom: early spring before foliage
Exposure: Full sun

Pluses: four seasons of interest from early spring blooms to healthy foliage to crab apples that remain on the tree October through January.

Indian Magic begins with red buds that open to dark pink flowers in spring.

Its foliage has a reddish tinge in spring but turns to green with red veins by mid-summer. As with Malus Sugar Tyme you need to stay ahead of the Eastern Tent Caterpillar in spring and Fall Webworm later in the season. I do find the foliage not quite as healthy all season as Sugar Tyme.

The fruit, a deep golden orange, persists into winter.

Malus Indian Magic winter fruitBoth it’s flower and fruit provide a nice contrast to Sugar Tyme hence I have one specimen planted in between two Sugar Tyme in my garden.

Indian Magic will grow 15 to 25 feet tall with a 10 – 20 foot spread. It matures with a spreading and weeping habit.

Garden Location: Carolinian Garden

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