2012 Vegetable Planting Schedule

The garden layout is finished, the seeds have arrived. It’s almost time to begin spring seed sowing. This year we are putting in over 50 different varieties of vegetables. Some are old favourites, many are new. Growing so many types and varieties of vegetables is a bit overwhelming so I once again created a detailed… Read more »

Great Vase For Starting Coleus Cuttings And More

I found this great small vase at our local grocery store a couple of months ago and thought how cute. Took it home and it sat on the counter for a while. This week it was put to good use holding my first set of spring coleus cuttings. These cuttings came from coleus overwintered from… Read more »

Stolen Website Content

This week I found a fairly large landscaping company using one of my images on their website, renamed in their content, without permission or any attribution back to my website. So, here’s the catch-22. I am both flattered and upset. I have put a lot of work over the years into making the content on… Read more »

Red Is Best

“Young Kelly’s mom doesn’t understand about red. Sure, the brown mittens are warmer, but the red mitts make better snowballs. And the red boots aren’t just for rain; they take bigger steps in any weather. And, yes! a green cup does make a difference … juice tastes better in the red cup. No doubt about… Read more »

Countdown To Spring

I just found this widget and absolutely love it! I’m going to sticky this post until it says zero days left. Enjoy. Spring Countdown Anyone else interested in this cute countdown widget you can find it here.

Don’t Forget To Feed The Birds In Winter Weather

It’s cold and windy outside today, a sudden appearance of winter in Ontario. While I sit inside all cozy, the birds have been circling our feeders all day. I imagine they need a lot of fuel to stay warm right now. Most birds thrive on seeds in winter, since insects and fruit are harder to… Read more »

2012 Vegetable Garden Plan

This is the fourth year that I have sat down and actually planned out our yearly vegetable garden on paper. Our 2012 vegetable garden layout takes into account crop rotation, the fact that we have some new garden space thanks to an expansion last fall and some new, hopefully fun, crops we want to try.… Read more »

Looking Under The Yellow

“Be like Curious George, start with a question and look under the yellow hat to find what’s there.”  James Collins While I’m not sure this is entirely what Mr. Collin’s meant, looking under the hat at my garden I’ve come to realize how little yellow I have in my garden.  While I have the traditional… Read more »

Pink With Attitude

Well February is here, and it’s looking a little dreary outside. The snow has once again melted and when I look out my office window all I see is a lot of gray and brown with a bit of dull green thrown in. So to liven things up until spring arrives I’ve decided to post… Read more »

Winter Vegetable Barley Soup

I’m always looking for creative ways to use winter vegetables in meals. While we love roasted root vegetables by mid-winter we are looking for a change. Add to that the fact that homemade soup is a weekly staple in our house in winter and you have the makings of Winter Vegetable Barley Soup. We loved… Read more »