My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Rose Season

New Dawn Climbing Rose

Rose season has arrived and those roses that do well certainly do look great when in bloom. Unfortunately between the heat and humidity causing black spot and powdery mildew and the japanese beetles attacking blooms I find it just too frustrating to grow roses successfully in the country. I have over the last two years removed all of the ‘fussy’ roses in my gardens. What I have remaining are roses I know I can count on for at least a month of showy blooms without a lot of work. So I’ll enjoy these few roses I have and treasure them even more.


  1. ~eden on

    Have you had any success getting rid of the beatles? I’ve just spotted the first half dozen.

    • everchanging gardener on

      Hi Eden — I haven’t seen any yet this year but expect them soon. Basically I walk around the yard twice a day, usually morning and evening and hand pick them. I carry around a small bucket filled with soapy water and drop them in the bucket. I’m going to try and create a spray this year from garlic and test that on a couple plants.


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