My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Spring Is Moving Fast

It seems we wait a long time for spring to arrive and when it finally does there’s just not enough of it to accomplish all of our spring gardening tasks. We’ve had some good weather of late so I’ve been able to catch up on a lot of yard work. Most of the beds are cleaned and edged (not my favourite spring job!), I’ve split some perennials and moved them into some newer gardens, mulched some of the bare spots and more.

We had some lovely mornings this week so I decided to take some time and enjoy my morning coffee outside. Some rain in the evening followed by sunshine really gave the spring flowers a jump-start.


Unfortunately, spring is also time for the dreaded dandelions to grow in the lawn. Since Ontario is now pesticide free, I’ve spent some time walking the lawn pulling up the dandelions and some black medic. This is my second year pulling weeds by hand. So far so good.

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