My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Ordering Vegetable Seeds

Some warm weather over the past few days and I’m starting to think of gardening. So it was time to sit down, order my vegetable seeds and plan my vegetable garden.

Last summer was our first real serious year of vegetable gardening. By that I mean we actually grew more than the basic tomatoes, cucumbers and beans. Spinach, peas, pumpkins and summer squash were added to our garden in 2008.

A few experiments passed and a few failed. While the Purple Haze carrots were fun to look at, the taste was less than inspiring. We much preferred the Rainbow Carrots, both raw and cooked. Likewise, asparagus peas will not be re-ordered.
Last summer we grew several varieties of beans and peas with the idea that we would compare them and decide which tasted better. While good in theory, we just never got around to carefully noting what we picked so now we can’t remember. I do much better recording my garden activities in the winter than in the rush of summer.

So this year we will order fewer varieties of the same vegetable and instead experiment with some new vegetables for us. This year I have ordered some kohlrabi seeds, potatoes, peppers, beats and even pak choi. These will be mixed in with our favourites — tomatoes, beans, peas, cucumbers, spinach, pumpkins and summer squash. Here’s looking forward to a bountiful harvest.

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