My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Another Reason To Prune

I’ve been busy in the garden this past week pruning some shrubs and trees.  Most of my summer blooming spirea have finished blooming and this year I gave them quite a severe pruning to control their size and encourage nice new foliage.  In addition, I’ve pruned back some tall weigela branches.  Pruning weigela is not really necessary once established however I find pruning back some older branches to the ground encourages brighter foliage on new growth for the rest of the season.  We also have some trees that have been planted in the last couple of years that suffered from severe winter damage this past year.  I waited quite late in the season to prune these however as many of them did eventually leaf out.

Despite all this, one of our resident chipmunks is apparently quite glad I did not prune down my ‘French Lace’ Weigela this year.


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