My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

83 Yards Of Mulch — Really!

I’m starting to think perhaps I have too many garden beds. OK never mind, that’s just not possible but 83 yards of mulch does seem a little crazy. So we started out like this:

20 yards of mulch

20 yards of mulch in the driveway, twice = 40 yards

20 yards of mulch, delivered twice to our driveway, and spread out by ourselves over two weekends.

Then we ended like this:

mulch truck

43 yards inside the truck

Mulch blown into beds

Mulch being blown into the beds

The ends result looked like this:

Mulched beds

One of our beds newly mulched

Guess which option we are going with next year!


  1. Danielle on

    This is fantastic. I am voting for this method this year as my parents need a bunch of mulch.. thanks for sharing



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