I’m please to say the construction of our new garage – barn is proceeding nicely. We’ve had good weather this week and it looks like they will have all the framing finished. You can really see the building taking shape. The only downside is the huge spot of compacted dirt on top of the lawn… Read more »
Construction Has Begin
Despite the rain and cold, construction has finally begun on our second garage. This is step one in our plans for this summer which include building a second garage for my tractor and all the garden equipment I seem to accumulate as well as putting in a pool. While I’m not looking forward to repairing… Read more »
A Grand Landscape
Moving into our new home in 2004 I was filled with great excitement at having over 2 acres to garden. Building our gardens over the past few years, I have been at times excited, at times challenged and more often than I like to admit, overwhelmed. For the first time this year, I finally had… Read more »
More Rocks In The Landscape
With an abundance of rocks, both large and small, available to me free in a lot near us I have become quite addicted to adding rocks in my landscape. I have used rocks as edging between the beds and grass, as borders between walkways and wilder areas, as focal points and even built a huge… Read more »
Another Woodland
One of my objectives this year was to reduce some of the lawn expanse in the yard. Although I love a nice lawn, some areas were just too large and open. Plus with our recent trend to dry hot summers and problems with japanese beetles it’s getting harder to maintain a lush lawn without too… Read more »
Building a Stone Fence From Fieldstone

A large part of our back yard faces a natural bush which is great except for the invasive grape vine and other invasive weeds. We have spent many hours pulling vines out of trees, cutting it back, digging it up, but of course wherever we stop there is more and it just keeps creeping in.… Read more »
Creating A Woodland
The back of our property is bordered by what is largely a scrub bush and a 2 acre or so ‘sinkhole’ which receives local water runoff. My hopes are to turn the scrub brush into a woodland which will include some native Ontario trees and shrubs. In other areas along the back of our property,… Read more »