My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Tomato Scape Canapes

Tomato Scape Canapes

Tomato Scape Canapes

A simple yet tasty appetizer with a delightful use of garlic scape pesto. We make these when out of season using frozen pesto (frozen without the cheese). Have everything ready to assemble at the last minute. Assembling early will result in a soggy cracker.

  • cherry tomatoes, ends removed and sliced in half to form circles
  • parmesan cheese
  • garlic scape pesto base (before adding any cheese)
  • crackers
  1. Cut tomatoes into small slices about one hour ahead of time and set aside to drain out some of the juices.
  2. Slice parmesan very thin (I used a mandolin) and cut into size to fit cracker.
  3. Place one piece parmesan on top of each cracker. This can be done early and set aside until just before ready to serve.
  4. Just before serving, place tomato piece on top of each canape, top with small amount of scape pesto.
  5. Serve at room temperature.

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