My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Hemerocallis ‘Nancy’s Child’ Daylily

Hemerocallis Nancy's Child Daylily

Hemerocallis Nancy's Child

Height: 75cm (30 inches)
Bloom: Midseason
Colour: Pale apricot pink with yellow green eye.

Nancy’s Child has large single flowers with ruffled edges. It produces huge, abundant blooms on very tall, thick scapes. This is another variety I picked up at The Potting Shed in 2002 although I haven’t been able to find it listed anywhere else. It is a very subtle pink but the size of the blooms are spectacular. It does well with some afternoon shade so the sun doesn’t bleach the colour. I have mine planted under some Purple Sandcherries and the contrast between the purple foliage and light pink is spectacular.

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