My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Cold And Blustery Day

grasses-cold-dayThe day is proving to be cold and blustery, with the potential for freezing rain in the forecast. It’s that in between time of year — not anything; neither fall nor winter, just a waiting game. So I’m spending the day in my warm, dry and quiet office organizing myself for a winter of garden planning. The Veseys Seed catalogue came in the mail today, giving me food for thought, literally, for next year. I’m scouring the net for new garden blogs to enjoy during the long cold winter. And for those colder winter evenings to come, sitting by a warm fire, I’m looking for new gardening books to read. A few have already intrigued me, like The Bad Tempered Gardner by Anne Wareham, The Untamed Garden: A Revealing Look at Our Love Affair with Plants by master gardener Sonia Day and Fifty Plants That Changed the Course of History by Bill Laws. All interesting reading with a garden twist. I’d also like to try Slow Gardening by Felder Rushing — perhaps I’ll save that one for last so I’m in the right frame of mind once the season starts all over again next spring. Meanwhile, I’ll enjoy the time off, even if it is cold and windy outside.


  1. Laurrie on

    The Bad Tempered Gardener will tickle you… it’s by Anne Wareham, not Christine da Silva though. I enjoyed the book and you surely will, bundled up inside this winter. She is very opinionated but I completely related to her ideas of what a garden is!


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