My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Vegetable Starts Thriving

While spring might be having difficulty arriving this year, my vegetable starts don’t seem to know it.

Our intent this year was to start some lettuce very early indoors and then transplant the small starts under cover into our new cold-frame sized greenhouse. Unfortunately continued snow and freezing weather have made that impossible this year. So this week I separated out the crowded starts into individual paper coffee cups. Who knows, maybe we will be eating lettuce before they even make it outdoors.

My onion starts are also looking great. We managed about 112 starts this year, a mix of Talon, Red Zeppelin and an heirloom variety called Siskiyou Sweet. These will eventually go in the garden and I will plant some directly by seed as well to see if we can have some onions maturing later in the season.

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