My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Has Winter Finally Arrived?

We came home today after three days away to the first snowstorm of the season. After a mostly grey and rainy December followed by a green Christmas, it was strange to leave our house is what seemed like spring and return to see everything covered in white. While not a lot of snow, only about one inch, it must have been large & heavy when it came down. Lots of branches were drooping from the weight of the snow but we were lucky, no damage.

While it looks like this snow will likely be gone by New Years given more rain and moderate temperatures in the forecast, here’s hoping for more on the way soon. While I am not a winter person (I prefer to look at my snow from inside my kitchen window), the gardens fair much better with a heavy blanket of snow.

First Snow Of The Season

Goldmound spirea in snow

Gardens in snow

Stephanandra incisa crispa in snow

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