My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Epcot Greenhouses

We just returned from Florida (to very cold weather unfortunately). One of my favourite tours was through the greenhouses at Epcot.

Living with the Land is a boat ride through three greenhouses that form the Sustainable Agriculture and Research Center at Walt Disney World. In these greenhouses, Disney is experimenting with different growing techniques. An amazing variety of fruits and vegetables are grown either in sand, hydroponically (in water) or airoponically (in air). One greenhouse operates as a fish farm. What is amazing, beyond the scientific techniques, is the size of the produce generated. Disney has partnered with both the U.S. Department of Agriculture and NASA on various projects. In addition to looking for ways to produce crops in famine stricken areas, one project involves developing ways to grow gardens in space for long journeys.

Pumpkins at Epcot

Pumpkins grown atop pole structure


Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are grown in hanging pots rather than in the ground to increase yield


Zucchini growing at epcot

Zucchini loaf anyone?


Tomato tree at Epcot

A tomato ‘tree’ first engineered by chinese scientists


Squash and Sunflowers

Squash and Sunflowers



Hydroponic lettuce


lemons at Epcot

Huge lemons


A new meaning to pole beans


Gardens at Epcot

Floating planters and gardens at Epcot


  1. Kevan on

    Great pictures. This was my favorite part of my trip to Disney a few months ago. I plan to experiment with the sweet potato plant.

  2. Thomas Tran on

    I had been to Epcot’s Living with the Land and I wanted to know more how they were grown so I found your website and the beautiful images you have shared. I wonder if you would grant me permissions to have links to your Epcot greenhouse pictures on my Facebook comments to friends living South East Asia. Our FB conversations are to exchange our interests in gardening only and I do plan to include your website and your website as credit to your works.

    Best Regards,



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