My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Best Red Fall Colour

If you are looking for some brilliant red fall colour to add to your landscape nothing beats the Euonymus alatus ‘Compactus’ or ‘Compacta’ otherwise known as Dwarf Burning Bush. Bright green leaves in summer turn to a brilliant red in fall lasting several weeks.

Red fall foliage of dwarf burning bush

Brilliant red fall foliage of dwarf burning bush

After the leaves have finally fallen you are rewarded with red-orange berries that persist through most of the winter. I have occassionally seen birds sitting in the base of the plant among the berries if they are not snow covered.

Burning bush berries

Berries on Dwarf Burning Bush

The only downside is that rabbits treat burning bush like a candy. I find new growth is quickly replaced in spring but have also had success placing bird netting over plants to protect them in key areas.

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