My Everchanging Garden

Gardening That Grows With Me

Back With A Fresh Start, And A New Fence

garden-fenceI’ve been away from garden blogging for a while. Having returned to work this past winter my energies were focused elsewhere and that meant taking a break from gardening and garden blogging. Perhaps that’s healthy. I’m now ready to start a new spring with a different viewpoint. My goals are different — it’s more about the enjoyment and less about the process.

Having said that, I’m still looking forward to the season.  We’ve had a real late start here in Ontario. Turns out that’s a blessing in disguise for me since I’ve still been busy with a few non-garden related projects. But nothing stops mother nature, she’s sure to come, even if she is a little tardy.

I’m excited this year to garden in our new fenced in vegetable gardens.  We’ve had increasing problems with deer over the last couple of years and while I enjoy watching them out our window, I’m not crazy about them beating me to the bounty. So last fall we went a little overboard (ok a lot overboard) and build a 6 foot tall rod iron fence around our two gardens. Inside this fence is still the original 2 foot high small gauge wire to keep out our small friends — rabbits & raccoons.

Someone asked me the other day if we had goats.  I wondered why until they asked about our kennel! I guess if it doesn’t work to keep the deer out I can try chickens, or perhaps even goats.

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