Gardening That Grows With Me
I’m trying to do better at record-keeping. I’ve tried regular diary journals, garden journals and home-made journals but I’m flighty about bringing a paper journal out into the greenhouse and garden. I do tend to take pictures with my camera so starting in the fall of 2023 I’m going to try and keep a record here from my camera and phone notes. I’ve entered some information from sowing early 2023 from my paper entries as a starting point.
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: 6.5 Celsius | Max Temp: 0.49 Celsius | Min Temp: -3.42 Celsius | Morning Temp: -1.66 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -2.98 Celsius | Evening Temp: -2.62 Celsius | Night Temp: 0.32 Celsius | Humidity: 69.8% | Max Wind: 10.38 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 1.24 mm | Sunrise: 06:50 | Sunset: 18:15
Picked up a few seeds at Rona. I’ve been quite successful this year in picking up all my seeds locally. No postage delivery charges this year.
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: 6.5 Celsius | Max Temp: 0.77 Celsius | Min Temp: -3.8 Celsius | Morning Temp: -1.99 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -3.29 Celsius | Evening Temp: -2.5 Celsius | Night Temp: 0.23 Celsius | Humidity: 72.7% | Max Wind: 10.64 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 1.5 mm | Sunrise: 06:50 | Sunset: 18:15
My second trip to William Dam Seeds this season. I should be good to go now:
I also picked up a large bag – 2.8cu ft – of ProMix BX for $22.25
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 4.28 Celsius | Max Temp: 1.98 Celsius | Min Temp: -12.3 Celsius | Morning Temp: -7.99 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -9.32 Celsius | Evening Temp: -11.57 Celsius | Night Temp: 1.98 Celsius | Humidity: 72.32% | Max Wind: 9.11 km/h | Clouds: 10% | Rain: 1.59 mm | Sunrise: 06:58 | Sunset: 18:08
I started parsley and celery today, all from old seed. I’m trying micro tomatoes for the third year, all from seed purchased in 2023. Last year I transplanted the tomatoes into the garden – that did not work so well. This year the plan is to try and force them a little earlier in small pots.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 4.28 Celsius | Max Temp: 1.98 Celsius | Min Temp: -12.3 Celsius | Morning Temp: -7.99 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -9.32 Celsius | Evening Temp: -11.57 Celsius | Night Temp: 1.98 Celsius | Humidity: 72.32% | Max Wind: 9.11 km/h | Clouds: 10% | Rain: 1.59 mm | Sunrise: 06:58 | Sunset: 18:08
Started a few early flower starts today. Some of these were old seeds, so I sowed heavily and we’ll see what comes up. I have individual humidity domes for these small Boostrap Farmer trays which works well.
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: -4.28 Celsius | Max Temp: -0.42 Celsius | Min Temp: -4.74 Celsius | Morning Temp: -3.41 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -1.45 Celsius | Evening Temp: -1.12 Celsius | Night Temp: -4.74 Celsius | Humidity: 78% | Max Wind: 6.47 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 0.24 mm | Sunrise: 07:08 | Sunset: 18:01
This winter has been much colder with a lot more snow cover. We still have roughly 2 feet on the ground. However the weather looks like we might finally see some above zero days, so tapping our trees this weekend.
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: -1.73 Celsius | Max Temp: -3.07 Celsius | Min Temp: -8.08 Celsius | Morning Temp: -5.86 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -7.71 Celsius | Evening Temp: -6.67 Celsius | Night Temp: -3.07 Celsius | Humidity: 91% | Max Wind: 8.58 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 12.85 mm | Sunrise: 07:19 | Sunset: 17:52
We’ve had two or three big snow storms go through in the last few days. And with no January thaw this year, we already had snow on the ground. I still have a good path to the greenhouse though between digging and my mats.
Weather: light snow | Temp: -0.16 Celsius | Max Temp: -6.55 Celsius | Min Temp: -13.77 Celsius | Morning Temp: -12.53 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -10.05 Celsius | Evening Temp: -9.74 Celsius | Night Temp: -6.55 Celsius | Humidity: 73% | Max Wind: 6.27 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 07:37 | Sunset: 17:31
I started my onion seeds today. I thought I was a little later than normal but checking back it looks like I didn’t start seeds until Feb 14 in 2024. Kind of funny to have a garden journal but not check until after the fact!
Anyway – onion starts for 2025:
Weather: few clouds | Temp: -7.68 Celsius | Max Temp: 1.61 Celsius | Min Temp: -12.82 Celsius | Morning Temp: -12.38 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -3.58 Celsius | Evening Temp: -1.34 Celsius | Night Temp: -8.89 Celsius | Humidity: 75% | Max Wind: 6.71 km/h | Clouds: 13% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 07:39 | Sunset: 17:28
I ordered the same seed potatoes as last year from Eagle Creek Seed Potatoes – 1 kg each of Bridget, German Butterball and Excellency. Sadly the postage ($37.95) was more than the cost of the seed potatoes ($28.90). Unfortunately I have not found a source with as nice a quality as these so we’ll stick with it. Still, 9 months worth of organic potatoes for less than $70 is pretty great.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: -4.32 Celsius | Max Temp: -1.28 Celsius | Min Temp: -7.11 Celsius | Morning Temp: -5.92 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: -2.2 Celsius | Evening Temp: -1.84 Celsius | Night Temp: -7.11 Celsius | Humidity: 59% | Max Wind: 11.96 km/h | Clouds: 8% | Rain: 0.88 mm | Sunrise: 07:42 | Sunset: 17:24
I’m picking up most of my seeds for 2025 from William Dam Seeds. Two reasons – first the Canada Post strike significantly impacted delivery of seeds during my normal ordering cycle and second, I’m limiting what I buy from the United States this year.
This week I picked up:
Onions: Patterson, Spanish Medallion, Tannat, Ramrod (green onion)
Flowers: Gomphrena Audray Bicolor Rose and Audray Purple, Dusty Miller New Look, Alyssum Sweetie Deep Purple, Dichondra Silver Falls
I also picked up some seed starting mix. It was very nice to work with and reasonably priced at $12.70 for 28 litres.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 12.18 Celsius | Max Temp: 19.57 Celsius | Min Temp: 5.8 Celsius | Morning Temp: 6.05 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 16.45 Celsius | Evening Temp: 17.03 Celsius | Night Temp: 9.25 Celsius | Humidity: 34.5% | Max Wind: 3.5 km/h | Clouds: 5% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 07:22 | Sunset: 18:56
Light frost on the grass this morning. Remaining planters are OK. I’ve already pulled in some dipladenia. It’s projected to be even colder at night early next week.
Weather: few clouds | Temp: 14.89 Celsius | Max Temp: 24.36 Celsius | Min Temp: 10.13 Celsius | Morning Temp: 10.33 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 21.48 Celsius | Evening Temp: 22.02 Celsius | Night Temp: 11.2 Celsius | Humidity: 47% | Max Wind: 4.37 km/h | Clouds: 22% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 05:44 | Sunset: 21:05
I replace the boxwoods in the square planters outside the greenhouse with 4 large iron obelisks from Wayfair: Ambur Metal Obelisk Trellis in Charcoal (really a light grey)
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: 22.69 Celsius | Max Temp: 24.3 Celsius | Min Temp: 17.98 Celsius | Morning Temp: 24.3 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 22.74 Celsius | Evening Temp: 21.31 Celsius | Night Temp: 20.9 Celsius | Humidity: 84% | Max Wind: 10.01 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 0.95 mm | Sunrise: 05:41 | Sunset: 21:05
Not too bad for plants that just went in this year (and a few last fall thanks to a neighbour)
Weather: scattered clouds | Temp: 21.13 Celsius | Max Temp: 23.66 Celsius | Min Temp: 12.78 Celsius | Morning Temp: 15.45 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 22.21 Celsius | Evening Temp: 22.3 Celsius | Night Temp: 20.59 Celsius | Humidity: 59% | Max Wind: 5.89 km/h | Clouds: 33% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 05:40 | Sunset: 21:02
Picked some snow peas and a few tomatoes from my micro-tomatoes.
Weather: moderate rain | Temp: 21.6 Celsius | Max Temp: 23.6 Celsius | Min Temp: 16.01 Celsius | Morning Temp: 18.93 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 21.84 Celsius | Evening Temp: 23.5 Celsius | Night Temp: 18.29 Celsius | Humidity: 63% | Max Wind: 7.47 km/h | Clouds: 98% | Rain: 0.95 mm | Sunrise: 05:42 | Sunset: 20:57
The tomatoes were almost three feet tall, so it was time to tie them to their trellis system. This year, I’m pruning to 2-3 stems each.
Weather: moderate rain | Temp: 21.6 Celsius | Max Temp: 23.6 Celsius | Min Temp: 16.01 Celsius | Morning Temp: 18.93 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 21.84 Celsius | Evening Temp: 23.5 Celsius | Night Temp: 18.29 Celsius | Humidity: 63% | Max Wind: 7.47 km/h | Clouds: 98% | Rain: 0.95 mm | Sunrise: 05:42 | Sunset: 20:57
I hilled the potatoes with straw today. Used only 3 bales of Straw Boss as these are the only two rows we are growing this year.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 16.81 Celsius | Max Temp: 23.17 Celsius | Min Temp: 6.72 Celsius | Morning Temp: 6.72 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 20.2 Celsius | Evening Temp: 23.17 Celsius | Night Temp: 8.62 Celsius | Humidity: 36% | Max Wind: 4.33 km/h | Clouds: 0% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 05:45 | Sunset: 20:53
We’ve had unusually warm weather all spring and no sign of frost in May until the very end of the month. Temperatures were predicted to fall to 1-3°C for two nights. Turns out we didn’t get frost but it was cold.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 21.64 Celsius | Max Temp: 25.39 Celsius | Min Temp: 11.91 Celsius | Morning Temp: 11.91 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 22.78 Celsius | Evening Temp: 24.95 Celsius | Night Temp: 15.12 Celsius | Humidity: 45% | Max Wind: 4.5 km/h | Clouds: 4% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 05:49 | Sunset: 20:46
I’m working on my Monet-inspired garden along the front walk. Today, with my neighbour’s help, I added two new arbours. The arbours came from Wayfair: Alari 66.25” W x 21” D Iron Arbour in Black (although the colour is really a steel grey).
Weather: light rain | Temp: 12.65 Celsius | Max Temp: 16.66 Celsius | Min Temp: 8.06 Celsius | Morning Temp: 8.06 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 14.14 Celsius | Evening Temp: 13.78 Celsius | Night Temp: 11.34 Celsius | Humidity: 62% | Max Wind: 3.62 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 06:03 | Sunset: 20:31
I replanted the Circle Garden. I’ve limited the colours to purple and white and split the circle into six sections. I planted Echinacea White Swan around the centre clematis (Clematis ‘Jackmanii’, I think). There are six large clumps of the reblooming Iris Immortality. Around the edges are alternating plantings of Pursian Blue Dwarf Catmint, Sensational Lavender and Blue Marvel Salvia.
Weather: broken clouds | Temp: 17.55 Celsius | Max Temp: 14.83 Celsius | Min Temp: 11.27 Celsius | Morning Temp: 11.27 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 13.59 Celsius | Evening Temp: 13.51 Celsius | Night Temp: 13.11 Celsius | Humidity: 53% | Max Wind: 5.76 km/h | Clouds: 54% | Rain: 7.6 mm | Sunrise: 06:12 | Sunset: 20:23
Added some Ice Dance Sedge, lungwort and hellebore under the blue spruce at the front entrance.
Weather: overcast clouds | Current Temp: 13.5 Celsius | Humidity: 86% | Wind Speed: 22.68 km/h | Wind Gust: 38.088 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: mm | Sunrise: 06:11 | Sunset: 20:25
I’ve cut back on both the amount and number of varieties of potatoes we are growing this year. I planted two beds only, with:
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 15.99 Celsius | Max Temp: 23.34 Celsius | Min Temp: 6.87 Celsius | Morning Temp: 6.87 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 18.64 Celsius | Evening Temp: 22.74 Celsius | Night Temp: 12.13 Celsius | Humidity: 58% | Max Wind: 8.46 km/h | Clouds: 1% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 06:15 | Sunset: 20:21
I added three Munger Black Raspberry plants to the raspberry patch today. These should produce fruit in early July. We only need a few plants as I’m growing them for eating not preserving.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 15.99 Celsius | Max Temp: 23.34 Celsius | Min Temp: 6.87 Celsius | Morning Temp: 6.87 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 18.64 Celsius | Evening Temp: 22.74 Celsius | Night Temp: 12.13 Celsius | Humidity: 58% | Max Wind: 8.46 km/h | Clouds: 1% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 06:15 | Sunset: 20:21
I started hardening off most of the hardier annuals today including the Dipladenia and Scenecio Angel Wings. I don’t plan on putting them in pots for another two weeks to avoid having to cover for potential frost in pots around the yard like I did last year. I’ll leave the plants on the greenhouse patio by the end of the week, only bringing them in if the temperatures drop below 6°C or so.
Weather: clear sky | Temp: 4.6 Celsius | Max Temp: 14.52 Celsius | Min Temp: 0.05 Celsius | Morning Temp: 0.25 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 13.1 Celsius | Evening Temp: 12.86 Celsius | Night Temp: 2.55 Celsius | Humidity: 31% | Max Wind: 6.45 km/h | Clouds: 0% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 06:22 | Sunset: 20:15
I spent a full morning planting out my cold-season seedlings today, including peas, onions, cabbage, lettuce, kale and Swiss chard. I’m trying a couple of new approaches this year:
Weather: broken clouds | Current Temp: 10.6 Celsius | Humidity: 48% | Wind Speed: 18.432 km/h | Wind Gust: 41.328 km/h | Clouds: 68% | Rain: mm | Sunrise: 06:36 | Sunset: 20:05
Cut with the tractor to mulch leaves and because the edging is not done.
Weather: overcast clouds | Current Temp: 6.87 Celsius | Humidity: 89% | Wind Speed: 34.956 km/h | Wind Gust: 59.94 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: mm | Sunrise: 06:43 | Sunset: 20:00
I struggle with germinating small surface-sown seeds. I’ve tried watering from the bottom, misting, using vermiculite, and no vermiculite. Regardless of the method, I get spotty germination at best. I started eight trays of angelonia and only ended up with about five very small seedlings. I won’t bother again next year. Some flowers are just meant to be purchased from professional growers, I guess.
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: 9.18 Celsius | Max Temp: 15.8 Celsius | Min Temp: 5.46 Celsius | Morning Temp: 5.46 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 10.62 Celsius | Evening Temp: 15.8 Celsius | Night Temp: 7.4 Celsius | Humidity: 52% | Max Wind: 4.03 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 06:51 | Sunset: 19:54
I’m trying dahlia from seed for the first time – starting with two mixes from Flotet Seeds – Bee’s Choice and Cancan Girls. I’m not sure how many I’ll end up planting, but I started a 32-flat bootstrap farmer tray to see how it goes. I also started my cosmos today.
Weather: light rain | Temp: 5.87 Celsius | Max Temp: 6.26 Celsius | Min Temp: 3.27 Celsius | Morning Temp: 5.53 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 5.86 Celsius | Evening Temp: 4.62 Celsius | Night Temp: 5.48 Celsius | Humidity: 99% | Max Wind: 8.55 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 8.4 mm | Sunrise: 07:00 | Sunset: 19:48
It’s been a warm spring but I still held back and started my main tomato seedlings two weeks later than I have in the past. We’ve struggled with cool weather in late May, resulting in leggy and stressed plants that I find don’t catch up and produce any earlier. So this year, I’m hoping to put in smaller but healthier tomato starts. I was going to sow them in flats to save soil and space but decided to use the 12-cell packs I bought from Amazon. I have found these trays to be good for individual seed starting where you can plant one seed per cell and expect good germination. I’m still using the heated floor as my heat mat, then moving the trays up to the bench once they start to germinate.
Weather: light rain | Temp: 5.87 Celsius | Max Temp: 6.26 Celsius | Min Temp: 3.27 Celsius | Morning Temp: 5.53 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 5.86 Celsius | Evening Temp: 4.62 Celsius | Night Temp: 5.48 Celsius | Humidity: 99% | Max Wind: 8.55 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 8.4 mm | Sunrise: 07:00 | Sunset: 19:48
I usually plant standard French marigolds in the vegetable garden to help deter insect damage; however, this year, I decided to add a couple of small-flowered marigolds, including Little Giant and Lemon Gem, for my flower containers.
Weather: light rain | Temp: 5.87 Celsius | Max Temp: 6.26 Celsius | Min Temp: 3.27 Celsius | Morning Temp: 5.53 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 5.86 Celsius | Evening Temp: 4.62 Celsius | Night Temp: 5.48 Celsius | Humidity: 99% | Max Wind: 8.55 km/h | Clouds: 100% | Rain: 8.4 mm | Sunrise: 07:00 | Sunset: 19:48
I’m starting peas a couple of weeks later than 2023, even though the spring has been early. There is no guarantee it won’t get cold again in May, and experience has taught me that planting them out too early just leads to plant rot. I’ll sow some seeds directly in the ground once these are transplanted in the garden.
Weather: overcast clouds | Temp: 3.88 Celsius | Max Temp: 9.07 Celsius | Min Temp: 1.6 Celsius | Morning Temp: 1.97 Celsius | Afternoon Temp: 3.86 Celsius | Evening Temp: 8.92 Celsius | Night Temp: 4.15 Celsius | Humidity: 76% | Max Wind: 3.38 km/h | Clouds: 85% | Rain: 0 mm | Sunrise: 07:05 | Sunset: 19:45
The Hellebores up near the house are really showing their blooms now. These are three years old, so the clumps are finally a good size.